
Strong gravitational lenses are generally modelled as if the main deflector were alone in an otherwise homogeneous Universe. However, substructures and secondary deflectors near the line of sight can have a significant impact on the observed images. Such perturbations beyond the main lens represent both a modelling challenge and an opportunity to learn about dark matter and cosmology. 


This focused workshop aims to bring together the practitioners of strong lensing beyond the main lens. Its general philosophy is: few talks, much work together. The programme will thus be quite light, leaving ample room for formal and informal discussions.

Participation is free of charge, and we can provide financial support for some of the participants, with priority given to early-career researchers. Note that participation will be moderated by the organising committee.

When you register, feel free to tell us if there are specific topics that you would like to feature in this workshop. Please also let us know how you would like to contribute to this event (talk, chairing a discussion, organising tutorial sessions, etc.)

After registration, you may use the Submission portal to make more specific propositions.

Important dates

March 24th: Deadline for registration

April 21st May 8th: Deadline for proposition of contributions

May 21st -- May 24th: Workshop

Local organisation committee

Pierre Fleury, Natalie Hogg, Julien Larena (Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier)


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